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Product Details


Portable Navigation Unit by Garmin


999Q5-GU012 In stock 3 lbs


Introducing the n?vi 750 – a versatile travel assistant that is approximately the size of a deck of playing cards. The n?vi is a portable GPS navigator, traveler’s reference, and digital entertainment system, all in one. Navigation is just the beginning. n?vi 750 includes many “must have” entertainment and travel tools including MP3 player, audio book player (subscription to Audible.com required), JPEG picture viewer, currency converters and more. With n?vi 750’s wireless FM transmitter? you can hear audio, including voice prompts, MP3s and audio books, through your vehicle’s stereo. It’s also compatible with optional FM traffic alerts or optional MSN® Direct content. The 750 features Garmin Lock™, an anti-theft feature, and is compatible with our free Garmin Garage where you can download custom vehicles that show your location on the map. Optional plug-in SD cards let you add additional features to enhance your travel experience including language translation and detailed travel guides. Our SaversGuide® provides information on nearby merchants offering discounts to customize your n?vi whether you’re traveling or close to home.

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs


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